Jupyter Notebook To Download VIX Futures ( and other CFE historical data )

стокові фото, фото роялті-фрі та зображення на тему прапор україни. український прапор на чорному штормовому хмарному небі. штормова погода - ukraine flag 

I will be publishing some of my research notebooks, starting with downloader for VIX data, fitting Nelson-Siegel model for term structure ( static ) , and dynamic ( Kalman Filter ), and possibly some recent work I did on regime clusters in VIX and ML for VIX trading. Here is the link to the first one. Email me if you have any questions.

In the last 2 days UN Human Right Commission published their findings about what Russian fascists are doing on the occupied territories of Ukraine -"indiscriminate attacks", "signs of executions on bodies, such as hands tied behind backs, gunshot wounds to the head, and slit throats", "beatings, electric shocks, and forced nudity" .

The most disturbing are the torture and rape of children: "These acts amounted to different types of violations of rights, including sexual violence, torture, and cruel and inhuman treatment. There are examples of cases where relatives were forced to witness the crimes. In the cases we have investigated, the age of victims of sexual and gendered-based violence ranged from four to 82 years.

The Commission has documented cases in which children have been raped, tortured, and unlawfully confined. Children have also been killed and injured in indiscriminate attacks with explosive weapons. The exposure to repeated explosions, crimes, forced displacement and separation from family members deeply affected their well-being and mental health."

Here is the link.

I am asking all the readers to reach out to their government representatives to support Ukraine. Supplying weapons to Ukraine will allow us to defend ourselves against the invasion, and force Russia sooner to withdraw from occupied territories, and to return all the forcefully displaced people. I am grateful to all the readers for your support.

Someone (anonymously) left a comment  the other day, and I wanted to re-post it here


Supporting Ukraine is the morally right thing to do because Ukraine a country that is defending itself, on its own territory, from invasion and occupation, defending its citizens from rape, torture, and murder. Ukrainian army expelled invaders from regions of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, and Kharkiv, and will free all occupied territories. 

Russia is destroying Ukraine, so supporting Ukraine will stop Russian destruction in Ukraine. Russian war is causing the economic havoc in Europe, and supporting Ukraine will lead to economic stabilization. 

Not only Washington, but all countries need to force Russia to withdraw its army!

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